luni, 16 august 2010


Mr Albert Abrams attended medical courses at the prestigious Heidelberg
University, where he received special distinctions and the golden medal. He
originated from San Francisco and he was part of the high society of the city, as he
was one of the richest inhabitants.
On his return to America, he took over the Pathology Department at the Stanford
University. A fellow teacher mentioned, in Adam’s presence, that the onion which is
pulled out of the ground and left beside some onions which are still in the ground
has a negative effect on the ones in vicinity, without affecting the ones that are
situated at a greater distance, though.
He ascertained that by feeling the abdomen of a healthy patient, the patient makes a
high sound, whereas on feeling a sick patient's abdomen he makes a stifled sound.
When a patient is near by an apparatus that emits roentgen radiations his body has
the tone of a sick organism. When the apparatus is drawn nearer, the tone comes
back to normal.
In 1924 he emitted the hypothesis that a disease can be diagnosed by sampling some
of the patient's blood. The medical world blamed him for this declaration. Albert
Adams pleaded that the curative effect the quinine has on malaria is the effect of the
radiations that come from the quinine molecules, which annul the emissions of the
malaria carrying cells; the quinine's action is due to electromagnetic emission and
not to chemical-pharmaceutical action.
With the assistance of an engineer specialized in radio communications, whose name
is Sam Hofman, he managed to build a transmitter with the power to emit on those
frequencies that could annul the waves transmitted by malignant cells.
In 1922 he presented the results of his research in a scientific paper. He was accused
of witchcraft and fraud by The American Medical Doctors' Association and by the
British Medical Journal.
Albert Adams died two years later, after the Scientific American Magazine had
attacked his work and activity in 18 consecutive issues.
In 1965 the researcher Riviere exposed a batch of rats that had tumors to a
magnetic field associated with microwaves for 20 minutes a day for a month. As a
result of the treatment, the tumours and its extensions disappeared completely. The
magnetic fields were between 300 and 620 fe and the wave lengths between 3 and 80
The researcher Kenyon suggests the following: "The malignant tumours may be
caused by perturbations of the body, as these mechanisms highly probable have an
electromagnetic cause."
Gales Hieronymus isolated three ears of wheat and placed a parasite on each of
them. He submitted them to a radionic transmitter treatment that got the license
2482773 in the USA. After three days of ten full minutes per hour treatment, two of
the parasites were reduced to a stain of humidity on the ear, and the third became
an amorphous mass.
The German physician Fritz A. Popp declared that healthy cells transmit an
ultraviolet radiation whose wave length comes close to 400 nanometres and is
capable of redressing the genetic destructions the cells suffer. Certain substances
can absorb this radiation, leaving the cell without the ability to renew itself. Altered
cells multiply themselves anarchically and thus cause cancer.
Researches at the A. S. Popov Institute of Bioinformatics discovered that living
beings transmit radiations whose wave lengths are between 300 and 2000
nanometres and named them "biofield".
Jane Waters, from the alternative medicine centre, ascertained that by exposing
psoriasis affected parts of the skin to ultraviolet light with lengths between 300 and
400 nanometres, the psoriasis disappears for a few weeks.
Lakovsky postulated, as early as 1924, that living organisms are natural oscillators
which emit electromagnetic waves.
This theory was maintained by British physician Herb Froelich who promoted the
idea that living cells are in a continuous state of oscillation.
Where there are radio waves fields there also are electric waves.
This theory was brought to light by Herbert Pohl, the director at the Cancerous
Diseases Research Laboratory in Itillwater, Oklahoma who, by using barium
titanite, a powder which is sensitive to electricity and has a tracing function, he
ascertained that it is attracted by cells that behave as radio beacons.
The fact that the cells communicate with each other through electromagnetic fields
was emphasized in 1972 by S. P. Novosibirsk. Researchers placed identical samples
of tissue in two tight closed vessels, separated by a glass wall.
The cells in one vessel were experimentally infested with a lethal virus that
destroyed the tissue. The cells in the other vessel were not affected.
The experiment was repeated, but this time the glass wall that separated the two
vessels was replaced with a quartz wall.
As a result of the experiment, it was ascertained that the second sample of healthy
cells was destroyed. The viruses couldn’t break the physical obstacle, but their
radiation could. An intensification of the virus’s radio activity was noticed at the
time of the attack of the tissue. Through this energetic attack the virus makes a
breach in the energetic shield of the target cell and then invades it. It is similar to
the attack of a fortress. When they manage to break a part of the wall, the attackers
will invade the citadel.
The cells with a weak energetic field are rapidly destroyed, whereas the ones with a
strong energetic field will last in front of the siege.
This is the reason why human beings must have a strong energetic field.
The following case is the most eloquent. In winter, most people who, for one reason
or another, go into frozen water catch a strong cold. Normally, the viruses that lie in
the lungs can’t cause infections because the cells of the organism are protected by an
energetic shield. When the shield vanishes, as a result of the body’s cooling, the
viruses invade the organism.
That’s why the traditional Chinese medicine is based on strengthening and keeping
a strong personal energetic field.
They reached the conclusion that the allergic reaction can also be provoked from
distance, without direct contact between skin and allergen.
This process has a radiant nature and experiments established its electromagnetic
one. Experiments have proved that allergic reactions can be unleashed with the help
of electromagnetic waves transmitted by an oscillator. It has been ascertained that
by modifying the frequency of these waves, a frequency that completely neutralizes
the symptoms can be found.
It is shocking that an antidote against the allergy could be found by submitting a
glass of water to the correction frequency. The water that is treated in this manner
is capable of instantly calming a patient who has a crisis.
This fact opens new horizons to treating illnesses by using water treated with
electromagnetic fields.
It has been ascertained in 1964 by researcher L. Gross that the process of cloning
DNA macromolecules can be disturbed by the activity of electromagnetic fields.
The first Romanian who built a cancer curing apparatus was Carol Prezibilã.
Almost 40 years ago he was diagnosed with cancer. The idea that sprang during
college in Germany, where he worked with Einstein, Henri Coanda and others had
to be put into practice.
With the help of a few collaborators, he built an apparatus named Helioproboscope.
After the first few sessions his health improved. He also treated some friends with
this apparatus and the news was spread.
Among the people who were cured there were 57 medical doctors. Some of them
asked him not to tell anyone that they had been treated by him, so they wouldn't be
laughed at.
The treatment consisted of a ray of light with a certain frequency that on being
applied on the zone affected by illness led to the destruction of cancerous cells.
When he was a student in Germany, Einstein, impressed by his ideas, advised him:
"Don't ever get married because you have to belong to mankind, not just to one
Carol Prezibilã patented his first invention in 1926; it was a jet plane. This invention
was followed by a long chain of other inventions, for which he received three State
He patented an internal combustion turbine which was designed to work in power
stations on coal or hydrocarbons.
The project was thought aberrant and for this reason was sold to the American firm
"General Motors" which sells a turbine with ten times more money than the
acquiring of the license had cost.
He also lay to patenting an engine that worked on water.
The first attempt to patent the cancer curing apparatus took place in 1981. He
obtained the invention license in the nineties, after the fall of the communist regime.
Nowadays, Carol Prezibilã's name is barely known.
One of the people who stepped on his tracks is professor Cristian Degeratu.
Professor Cristian Degeratu was stricken by a merciless disease, cancer. For 20
years he was 30 times hospitalised and went through 6 operations, but his health
didn't improve.
In 1991 he heard of engineer Carol Prezibilã's invention that treated illnesses with
rays of light. Cristian Degeratu went through treatment on Carol Prezibilã's
apparatus combined with a natural diet and was happy with the results.
This made him build his own apparatus, in association with electrician Dorin
He first tested the apparatus's efficiency on fish in an aquarium. By directing the
ray of light towards the fish and modulating the frequencies, he discovered the
frequencies that were favourable to health.
When the light had negative effects, the fish would go away from it and would come
near it when it had positive effects. He obtained an invention patent for the
apparatus that he called Crisdor. At the time when he was interviewed he had
arrived at the third generation of apparatuses. Depending on the applied
frequencies, patients who suffer from cancer, leukaemia, sterility, impotence,
ganglion, liver, heart or gall bladder related diseases can be cured.
Another exceptional researcher who went on the same path is Mr Ionut Vrânceanu.
He is a graduate from Medical Faculty in Iasi. He built an apparatus that was based
on a Coanda style laser sheet with a crystal ruby, which is filtered in a bulb filled
with a noble gas.
Depending on the patient's disease, gases such as helium, hydrogen, argon, etc. are
used. The ray of light penetrates as deep as 12 centimetres inside the organism, thus
being able to operate on internal organs. He cured patients who suffered from
cancerous tumours, leukaemia, hepatic affections (hepatitis, cirrhosis), pancreatic
illnesses, biliary diskynesia, affections of the thyroid, spondylitis, rheumatism,
sterility, etc.
Favourable effects usually occur in a short time of only 4-5 sessions. At the same
time, patients are recommended a strict diet and various natural products. He also
uses an injected sea buckthorn[hippophae rhamnoides]serum, another one of his