In the case of laser treatments it has been ascertained that depending on the wave
length laser radiations act differently on normal living cells and on cancerous cells.Certain frequencies led to the growth of erythrocites and hemoglobin in the blood.
In clinical treatments different types of lasers are used:
Carbon dioxide -λ = 10,6 μm
Helium-Neon -λ=0,63μm
Helium-cadmium -λ = 0,44 μm
Azote -λ = 0,34 μm
Argon -λ = 0,5 μm
A tumour acts differently on its irradiation with different lasers.
While helium-neon and nitrogen laser radiations accelerate the evolution of the
tumour, helium-cadmium laser radiation hinders it. With the help of an ultraviolet
laser fascicle malignant tumour can be detected early. At the contact between the
laser fascicle and the affected tissue the zone illuminates. In this manner the
presence of the tumour, its size and even its approximate time of appearance are
detected. The red radiation of the helium-neon 0,63 mm laser charges the cells with
4 times its regular amount of energy. The inflammation process stops. Broken bones
are brazed in a shorter amount of time. All regeneration processes accelerate,
making 10-15 year old cureless wounds heal in a few weeks. Gangrenes and burns
disappear as a result of the treatment. The organism's immune system activates.
A percent of only 3% backsliding has been found on patients treated in this manner.
Ponder on how easily a person can be cured of diabetes. But who would medical
concerns sell insulin to?
The blue-green argon radiation treats diabethic retinopathy. Cataract and tumours
inside the eye are also healed with the help of the laser. Ruby laser pulse signals of
10-7 seconds heal glaucoma in 10-15 minutes after the patient walks home.....
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