Thought is a fractal that change fractal image we want to change.
Thoughts are formed in simple form of words which are simple codes that structuring our ideas
into a larger code (phrases), or complex shapes consisting of images which are actually complex
codes (fractals) and is the higher form of thinking. Hence the words "a picture is worth a thousand
Mind is a hologram, a three-dimensional image. Composed from structured particles after a
mathematical program (a fractal). Thought is a mathematical program (a fractal) attaching the
desired image and alter the structure of mathematics (fractal). it consists. Depending thought
issued. an image can be: an object, a being, a situation, a mood, illness, environment, etc..
Everyone has heard of computer software viruses that destroy or modify a program that and
antivirus that destroy viruses. As is the case of thoughts. We are a program (fractal) that we are
moving in a program wider (external environment). Reality around us and where we are are the
result of our thinking but also those around us.
When you curse someone we do a change in body program that personae and situations which
will be that person. Since it is a destructive program that thought will have destructive influence
on us and our health.
Man must think only positive. as once thought from the way its delivered running that
program.For. that our desire to satisfy mind must be focused on target and make sure of its
Doubt is a destructive program that kills the program thought. Want a car. If you think constantly
and you are sure you have the car then thought that is actually a program will go and make
necessary changes in the program universe thus creating the situation to obtain the desired
When doubt occurs then everything is blocked.
If you think you do not have money to buy the car that you can not pay for insurance and
gasoline then wish fulfillment remains suspended pending completion other conditions. Simply
have a conditional desire the fulfillment of other desires. First you create a program to change the
universe. Then you conditioned on the fulfillment of the program running other programs.
In this way a program easily met you into a series of programs to be fulfilled by one and finally to
fulfill the original program (the car). I thought I might say masochistic.
Would you go to visit a foreign country. When you think you have no money to make that road trip
you conditioned on the fulfillment of other desires. When you are sick you think you have no
money for drugs.
After you get the money and medicines default notice that they have no effect. It would be better
if you want and make sure you heal.
Thoughts are subtle form of reality. Thought is a mathematical program, an image composed of
small particles. The desire is more intense thought even take physical form turn into reality. The
reality is condensed form of thinking. "Ask and you will be given, knock and the door opens."
Man through his thoughts it emits requires certain things and situations which should be
made. We can compare human thinking with a honeycomb of bees in each small room is being
placed one thought.
Every thought must be placed given in their pantry. For example you want a car. Thought must be
placed and will unite with thoughts that you have given along the life and you wanted a car but
also those related to cars. Delivered thought will join similar thoughts until that closet will be filled,
namely thought will become brighter and will have power to make necessary changes in the
universe bringing the desired object or situation that you requested.
If you want a Mercedes, but you always think you do not have money to buy it result of your
thinking might be evidenced by a Trabant. To know a person's future, we must know the past.
Human life is particularly the result of thoughts that he has delivered throughout life but the
thoughts of those around him as well as actions taken by him and that creates the reality in
which that person is alive. The thoughts the man asked to be put in certain situations and they will
perform throughout life when they have favorable conditions for expression.
Fears, desires and actions create reality. That we want or not. Thoughts issued a lifetime building
and shaping our life and body. When we see or someone tells a story note that often happens to
us after a while the same fact.
Is the result I was impressed of that happening and later because thoughts issued by us universe
will put in the same situation. The thoughts I have recreated the same program of reality.
The difference between a saint and an ordinary man is less than you think, but at the same time
as great as the distance between earth and heaven. Linear thinking is a normal man.
Time always goes forward. After days following night.
Objects are obtained by processing raw materials.
To get a place depending on the distance we travel by foot, car, boat or ship and not least by
plane, and in exceptional cases, with the spacecraft.
When installing a disease we must go to the doctor to take medication and only afterwards to
heal us. Man is born, grows, ages and dies. Can not rise and rejuvenate or even less, become a
Man is man and not once could not turn for example, in rock, water, plants, animals, air, etc..
We hear so-called doctors giving verdicts as incurable disease or genetic disease (incurable).
Normal human thinking faces a lot of things. It's a real beehive: what I wear, what I eat, to make a
phone call an hour I met with X etc..
St mind is focused only to God. Having eliminated parasitic thoughts, his mind will be clear. When
you want something, that wish will come true instantly there is no other desires and especially
there is no doubt.
If you want to walk on water, he will go. First St. believes it is possible and the divinity will fulfill
their wish.
No doubt. Shall not ask questions on how to comply and physical laws that make that action
If ordinary lamps emitted photons moving in all directions. In a resulting laser photons moving in
one direction as a multiplicity of parallel straight lines.
When a laser beam passes through a transparent plate printed with a holographic image photons
change their direction of travel respecting the structure of holographic print and the output
photons with different directions of travel will interfere at some distance (seen) resulting in
brighter areas thus constituting the hologram (as two beams of flashlights will meet in the air
resulting in a light that area better).
When creating holographic images have a multitude of light beams that meet in the air.
When a coherent light (laser) is directed to a transparent plate light will follow its travels and travel
in a straight line without being modified initial trajectory any angle and positioning of transparent
plate front of the beam.
Direction of travel of photons will be the same over the surface of the board or as they cross a
border or center plate. Transparent plate can be crossed at the same time. A lot of photons each
with different direction of travel and having to exit the same path as its input (this is a theoretical
explanation in practice there are small deviations "losses").
Some cards have holographic photographic emulsion consists of small grains of silver bromide is
set in a transparent gelatinous substance. Each particle of the photosensitive substance will
record all directions of photon travel which bounced off the subject which are recorded
holographic image plate.
Hologram acts as a mirror. When the mirror is broken any piece can reflect the whole picture.
Hologram because the entire image is recorded on each particle separately when it will be broken
every piece will reflect the whole picture Of course respecting proportions. Hologram is called flat
if the photosensitive layer is of the order wavelength used.
Three dimensional hologram has thickness photosensitive layer larger than the wavelength
used may have m which is 30 times more than the wavelength of helium-neon laser 20
Hologram plane fixed in the plan. trace of photons the bounce from object while threedimensional
hologram. Register directions of travel of photons (coming from the object) in
volume. Hologram plane is a two-dimensional image of interfering lines of, photon and threedimensional
hologram is a structure in space being composed of from interference layer
consisting of curved layers.
On one hologram can record a large number of images (per 100 cm2 in a volume encyclopedia)
which can be decoded independently of one another. Record and play scenes changing the angle
of light beam falls on the hologram. Polish physicist 1920 M. Wolfke published the paper "On the
Possibility of optical representation of molecular network" showing that radiation using X-ray
diffraction on crystals obtained image optical lattice.
In 1948 English physicist Dennis Gabor discovered holography by trying to increase the power of
resolution electron microscopy and published his "A new microscopic principle" in which exhibited
two stages of obtaining holographic representation. He noted that the electronic beam when
crossing a transparent plate some of the electrons apart interfering (meeting with). Part of the
beam was not spread. .
Physicist D. Gabor said that the idea to build a hologram in which the object is registered with an
electronic beam and image reconstruction is made using a light beam appeared following the
publication in 1942 by English physicist W. Bragg of the paper " Roe.ntg.en microscope. Image
created by physicist D. Gabor were of poor quality and had a duplicate.
Once discovery has revived interest in laser holography.
In 1961, American physicists E. Leith and J. Upatnieks created the first hologram without lining.
A coherent beam hitting directly holographic plate. Other coherent light hitting the subject
reflecting its image on the holographic plate where they meet at an angle the first coherent
beam such recording hologram on holographic plate and escaping the double because the two
rays on the plate exactly met. Three dimensional holograms were discovered in 1962 by Russian
physicist N. Denisiuk using thick photographic emulsions. He obtained these holograms using:
laser, holographic plate, object.
Ray emitted by the laser. through the photographic emulsion plate, meets the object reflecting the
object image on the plate obtaining such registration object on holographic plate.
To obtain a spatial image clearer, the object is struck coherent rays from several angles
simultaneously and then reflecting the object image on plate with photosensitive substance.
When a laser beam similar to that of the printed hologram will hit holographic
plate. photonscomposing the corresponding radius will be diverted by the photosensitive
substance on the direction of travel of the photons that have printed holographic plate. Across the
holographic plate photons will be reflected in certain angles and out of that boardphotons out in
certain angles will meet at various distances the photons exit the other angles creating brighter
areas of interference and all those areas taken together give objective picture printed on
holographic board.
In 1971 physicist Dennis Gabor received the Nobel Prize for establishing the first hologram.
Dr. Karl Pribram researcher in psychiatry for 10 years after a study found that mental structure of
the brain is holographic. Information received through sight, hearing, taste, touch are registered at
the mental level as holograms and distributed throughout the body.
For example a hair (or any other thing from the body) will contain all information about the
condition of the person to whom it belongs. It is considered by some physicists that the universe
is a holographic structure. Mind recorded in holographic form. Holographic information captured
Thoughts are actually holograms which will merge on holographic universe exist
simultaneously in the so-called Bell's theorem. According It any happens to subatomic
particles affect immediately remaining particles. This behavior is specific of holograms.
Max Planck discovered that heat energy is emitted in packets of energy called quanta. Einstein
found that electromagnetic radiation is in the form of quanta. We may call them holographic
Researcher Rupert Sheldrake in his book "A new science of life" concluded that once a member
of a species learn a new behavior will cause small changes in behavior similar to all members of
the species. If it occurs long time, the behavior will be assimilated by all members of the species
and spread in time and space. In his book "Flow of Life: Biology Understanding" scientist Lyall
Watson found that after a group of monkeys on one island learned to make something new,
monkeys on other islands begin to have the same behavior.
If we consider the behavior of a species as a hologram, then any change in behavior hologram of
a member of that species will behavioral changes throughout the hologram of that
species.Doctors George De La Warr and Ruth Drawn managed by an apparatus and using hair
as an antenna to obtain images of organs affected by disease as malignant brain tumors, liver
cyst, even a child of three months.
Since 80% of diagnostic errors made by doctors and patients are given drugs in this way the
patient's condition worsens. Romanian researcher Mircea Brasoveanu created a device that
measures the human energy field, food, medicines, etc..
The device can using a hair to establish disease of someone suffering but Also predispositions to
disease. At the same time may determine if a drug leads to the restoration and strengthening of
individual energy field or destroy it.
Even if a crime perpetrator can be established (a number of people between the killer and to be)
made measurements on the hair of the participants. Events are recorded in a being or an object
in the form of a chain of holograms (holographic film). Because they are registered as
holograms an object as small. He keeps the film all the events has been involved. Cronovizor
device was constructed which capture and play images from the past as a movie.
Some people by touch or look can. See events that attended a person or object.
If we consider the universe a hologram then the human eye are those
recorded. on. brain.External holograms. The human body is a holographic structure evidenced by
the fact that each cell contains all the information body. A cell can create another body identical to
that of which belonged. Brain and mind implicitly manage the organization of holographic
structure of the organism as a whole but also of smaller holograms represented by cells. When
the brain signals not corrector they do not reach cells when disease occurs more precise
disruption that holograms. Lack of coordination by the brain of cells is best seen in the case of
tumors. Positive thoughts bring brightness and power main hologram representing body and
consequently all the smaller holograms that component (cells). The time which is given a
negative thought. it acts as an interference in brain signals who go to cells. Negative thinking is a
hologram that weakens, edit and destroy small holograms (cells) and hence large hologram
(body). Thoughts as holograms themselves as positive or negative change in the human body
and our environment.
When a person has suffered an injury in a previous life from the example of a spear in its current
aura you will see that spear. The hologram that person's aura Javelin hologram was added
creating the physical discomfort. A clairvoyant therapist out that spear from aura of the person
solving such problems generated. because of it. . Get Out Javelin hologram leaving hologram that
person clean.
Any treatment is to restore the structure and brightness of the hologram is the physical and subtle
The disease is disaggregating holographic structure. Of the body.
A method of healing is to overlap. over the physical body. Another hologram representing a new
mold for the body.
Here imagination plays an important role. Such methods are used by Native American shamans.
Don Jose Matsuwa is 109 years old Spook Huichol Indians a tribe of the Sierra Madre mountains
of Mexico numbering about 15,000 members. He said: 'When I start the ritual of healing, he
claims. on Nierika to open. (This is the crossing point of the spiritual world in a tunnel-like
material.) I see a circle and I call Kauyumarit brother deer. Ask him to come help us. . Then, using
songs and feathers do deer spirit to enter in sick person's body. I imagine as deer body image
becomes human. If the two images overlap, everything is fine. Sometimes after an hour or
two must check whether the image is superimposed as well. Sometimes the images overlap very
quickly, but sometimes it takes time. "
One day old healer had a vision in which appear a person who was lost. Huichol Indian territory
for five days without food and water and being on the brink of death. It was a 18 year old
American named Brant who left New York in order to learn the secrets Native American
shamanism. . Men sent by Don Jose'l found and brought before it who adopted him as 'grandson'
it. He stayed 12 years with Don Jose 'who taught the mysteries of shamanism after that was sent
to lead knowledge among the whites. In the words of Brant see holographic essence of being
human. , When taking in hand feathers, then I feel transformed into an eagle. Master air I use
bunch of feathers as one fan to invoke the spirit of wind. At that time become able to see the flow
of vital energy of man. Finally, take feathers as some brushes and paint, repair holes where the
flow is interrupted. If shaman is looking at this time the sick he can see through the glass as his
body is transparent. Where the body is not transparent, is disease. "Then invoke the spirit of the
deer to run into that person. Then the shaman place near the mouth of sick and absorbs "disease
of the patient. After a spat in a pot. There is also opportunity. the shaman to become ill while one
person heals. Reality around us is a hologram. Is changed continuously. it fits as holograms of
our thoughts.but affected by holograms thoughts of others.
When someone wants something then holographic reality around that person will be
created.respectively hologram thought expressed by that person. Therefore thought a person
who wishes to obtain something must be formed from a clear, bright object or situation that would
be made.
The person who thinks negatively and is afraid of something not happening will be put in that
situation since through his thoughts reality around him was molded by them. He created a
hologram (thought) and the universe recreated in the physical plane that hologram. Thought once
released becomes structure of the universe structure. Thought becomes reality when it will be as
bright as the rest of the structure of the universe. At that time the thought will become what we
call event positive or negative depending on the structure that thought and our interests at that
Life is a film consisting of a series of events whether it is a being or about the universe as a
whole. Life is a series of events which are actually translation into reality thoughts issued by that
person but also of thoughts issued by others and related to that person.
Thought will become an event in a person's life when this thought will have enough clarity and
brilliance that can be translated into the physical. With the advent of a new hologram when it will
become bright enough to be a reality once reality hologram molded by it will be part
of holographic structure of the universe and can easily be recreated in reality whenever you
want although at first implementation and translation into reality hologram was
created very difficult.
While already created a hologram may be modified slightly as a hologram structure creating new
slightly different from the first thus requiring less time to obtain a new hologram to create a new
hologram from the beginning. This is true in all the creation of a substance from to the events of
human life and the universe. In work Crystals and Crystal Growing signed by Holden and
Singer is this following statement, "about 10 years ago firm produced one of its factories simple
crystals culture. tartrate diaminc ethylene reared in tanks and water solution. From the
factory crystals were transported to another where they were cut and polished to industrial. One
year after the factory opened. Crystals of culture tanks began to increase at a spectacular rate,
crystals different structure adhered to them creating a new structure which is developing rapidly.
Problem occurred and give the second factory crystal cut and polished and presented same
superficial symptoms. Material to be obtained was tartrate diamine of ethylene anhydrous and
unwanted material has to be found monohydrate same substance. During the first three years of
research and testing as during manufacturing, not found any structure formation of the
monohydrate. After these four years but the monohydrate spread generalizing
Thoughts are formed in simple form of words which are simple codes that structuring our ideas
into a larger code (phrases), or complex shapes consisting of images which are actually complex
codes (fractals) and is the higher form of thinking. Hence the words "a picture is worth a thousand
Mind is a hologram, a three-dimensional image. Composed from structured particles after a
mathematical program (a fractal). Thought is a mathematical program (a fractal) attaching the
desired image and alter the structure of mathematics (fractal). it consists. Depending thought
issued. an image can be: an object, a being, a situation, a mood, illness, environment, etc..
Everyone has heard of computer software viruses that destroy or modify a program that and
antivirus that destroy viruses. As is the case of thoughts. We are a program (fractal) that we are
moving in a program wider (external environment). Reality around us and where we are are the
result of our thinking but also those around us.
When you curse someone we do a change in body program that personae and situations which
will be that person. Since it is a destructive program that thought will have destructive influence
on us and our health.
Man must think only positive. as once thought from the way its delivered running that
program.For. that our desire to satisfy mind must be focused on target and make sure of its
Doubt is a destructive program that kills the program thought. Want a car. If you think constantly
and you are sure you have the car then thought that is actually a program will go and make
necessary changes in the program universe thus creating the situation to obtain the desired
When doubt occurs then everything is blocked.
If you think you do not have money to buy the car that you can not pay for insurance and
gasoline then wish fulfillment remains suspended pending completion other conditions. Simply
have a conditional desire the fulfillment of other desires. First you create a program to change the
universe. Then you conditioned on the fulfillment of the program running other programs.
In this way a program easily met you into a series of programs to be fulfilled by one and finally to
fulfill the original program (the car). I thought I might say masochistic.
Would you go to visit a foreign country. When you think you have no money to make that road trip
you conditioned on the fulfillment of other desires. When you are sick you think you have no
money for drugs.
After you get the money and medicines default notice that they have no effect. It would be better
if you want and make sure you heal.
Thoughts are subtle form of reality. Thought is a mathematical program, an image composed of
small particles. The desire is more intense thought even take physical form turn into reality. The
reality is condensed form of thinking. "Ask and you will be given, knock and the door opens."
Man through his thoughts it emits requires certain things and situations which should be
made. We can compare human thinking with a honeycomb of bees in each small room is being
placed one thought.
Every thought must be placed given in their pantry. For example you want a car. Thought must be
placed and will unite with thoughts that you have given along the life and you wanted a car but
also those related to cars. Delivered thought will join similar thoughts until that closet will be filled,
namely thought will become brighter and will have power to make necessary changes in the
universe bringing the desired object or situation that you requested.
If you want a Mercedes, but you always think you do not have money to buy it result of your
thinking might be evidenced by a Trabant. To know a person's future, we must know the past.
Human life is particularly the result of thoughts that he has delivered throughout life but the
thoughts of those around him as well as actions taken by him and that creates the reality in
which that person is alive. The thoughts the man asked to be put in certain situations and they will
perform throughout life when they have favorable conditions for expression.
Fears, desires and actions create reality. That we want or not. Thoughts issued a lifetime building
and shaping our life and body. When we see or someone tells a story note that often happens to
us after a while the same fact.
Is the result I was impressed of that happening and later because thoughts issued by us universe
will put in the same situation. The thoughts I have recreated the same program of reality.
The difference between a saint and an ordinary man is less than you think, but at the same time
as great as the distance between earth and heaven. Linear thinking is a normal man.
Time always goes forward. After days following night.
Objects are obtained by processing raw materials.
To get a place depending on the distance we travel by foot, car, boat or ship and not least by
plane, and in exceptional cases, with the spacecraft.
When installing a disease we must go to the doctor to take medication and only afterwards to
heal us. Man is born, grows, ages and dies. Can not rise and rejuvenate or even less, become a
Man is man and not once could not turn for example, in rock, water, plants, animals, air, etc..
We hear so-called doctors giving verdicts as incurable disease or genetic disease (incurable).
Normal human thinking faces a lot of things. It's a real beehive: what I wear, what I eat, to make a
phone call an hour I met with X etc..
St mind is focused only to God. Having eliminated parasitic thoughts, his mind will be clear. When
you want something, that wish will come true instantly there is no other desires and especially
there is no doubt.
If you want to walk on water, he will go. First St. believes it is possible and the divinity will fulfill
their wish.
No doubt. Shall not ask questions on how to comply and physical laws that make that action
If ordinary lamps emitted photons moving in all directions. In a resulting laser photons moving in
one direction as a multiplicity of parallel straight lines.
When a laser beam passes through a transparent plate printed with a holographic image photons
change their direction of travel respecting the structure of holographic print and the output
photons with different directions of travel will interfere at some distance (seen) resulting in
brighter areas thus constituting the hologram (as two beams of flashlights will meet in the air
resulting in a light that area better).
When creating holographic images have a multitude of light beams that meet in the air.
When a coherent light (laser) is directed to a transparent plate light will follow its travels and travel
in a straight line without being modified initial trajectory any angle and positioning of transparent
plate front of the beam.
Direction of travel of photons will be the same over the surface of the board or as they cross a
border or center plate. Transparent plate can be crossed at the same time. A lot of photons each
with different direction of travel and having to exit the same path as its input (this is a theoretical
explanation in practice there are small deviations "losses").
Some cards have holographic photographic emulsion consists of small grains of silver bromide is
set in a transparent gelatinous substance. Each particle of the photosensitive substance will
record all directions of photon travel which bounced off the subject which are recorded
holographic image plate.
Hologram acts as a mirror. When the mirror is broken any piece can reflect the whole picture.
Hologram because the entire image is recorded on each particle separately when it will be broken
every piece will reflect the whole picture Of course respecting proportions. Hologram is called flat
if the photosensitive layer is of the order wavelength used.
Three dimensional hologram has thickness photosensitive layer larger than the wavelength
used may have m which is 30 times more than the wavelength of helium-neon laser 20
Hologram plane fixed in the plan. trace of photons the bounce from object while threedimensional
hologram. Register directions of travel of photons (coming from the object) in
volume. Hologram plane is a two-dimensional image of interfering lines of, photon and threedimensional
hologram is a structure in space being composed of from interference layer
consisting of curved layers.
On one hologram can record a large number of images (per 100 cm2 in a volume encyclopedia)
which can be decoded independently of one another. Record and play scenes changing the angle
of light beam falls on the hologram. Polish physicist 1920 M. Wolfke published the paper "On the
Possibility of optical representation of molecular network" showing that radiation using X-ray
diffraction on crystals obtained image optical lattice.
In 1948 English physicist Dennis Gabor discovered holography by trying to increase the power of
resolution electron microscopy and published his "A new microscopic principle" in which exhibited
two stages of obtaining holographic representation. He noted that the electronic beam when
crossing a transparent plate some of the electrons apart interfering (meeting with). Part of the
beam was not spread. .
Physicist D. Gabor said that the idea to build a hologram in which the object is registered with an
electronic beam and image reconstruction is made using a light beam appeared following the
publication in 1942 by English physicist W. Bragg of the paper " Roe.ntg.en microscope. Image
created by physicist D. Gabor were of poor quality and had a duplicate.
Once discovery has revived interest in laser holography.
In 1961, American physicists E. Leith and J. Upatnieks created the first hologram without lining.
A coherent beam hitting directly holographic plate. Other coherent light hitting the subject
reflecting its image on the holographic plate where they meet at an angle the first coherent
beam such recording hologram on holographic plate and escaping the double because the two
rays on the plate exactly met. Three dimensional holograms were discovered in 1962 by Russian
physicist N. Denisiuk using thick photographic emulsions. He obtained these holograms using:
laser, holographic plate, object.
Ray emitted by the laser. through the photographic emulsion plate, meets the object reflecting the
object image on the plate obtaining such registration object on holographic plate.
To obtain a spatial image clearer, the object is struck coherent rays from several angles
simultaneously and then reflecting the object image on plate with photosensitive substance.
When a laser beam similar to that of the printed hologram will hit holographic
plate. photonscomposing the corresponding radius will be diverted by the photosensitive
substance on the direction of travel of the photons that have printed holographic plate. Across the
holographic plate photons will be reflected in certain angles and out of that boardphotons out in
certain angles will meet at various distances the photons exit the other angles creating brighter
areas of interference and all those areas taken together give objective picture printed on
holographic board.
In 1971 physicist Dennis Gabor received the Nobel Prize for establishing the first hologram.
Dr. Karl Pribram researcher in psychiatry for 10 years after a study found that mental structure of
the brain is holographic. Information received through sight, hearing, taste, touch are registered at
the mental level as holograms and distributed throughout the body.
For example a hair (or any other thing from the body) will contain all information about the
condition of the person to whom it belongs. It is considered by some physicists that the universe
is a holographic structure. Mind recorded in holographic form. Holographic information captured
Thoughts are actually holograms which will merge on holographic universe exist
simultaneously in the so-called Bell's theorem. According It any happens to subatomic
particles affect immediately remaining particles. This behavior is specific of holograms.
Max Planck discovered that heat energy is emitted in packets of energy called quanta. Einstein
found that electromagnetic radiation is in the form of quanta. We may call them holographic
Researcher Rupert Sheldrake in his book "A new science of life" concluded that once a member
of a species learn a new behavior will cause small changes in behavior similar to all members of
the species. If it occurs long time, the behavior will be assimilated by all members of the species
and spread in time and space. In his book "Flow of Life: Biology Understanding" scientist Lyall
Watson found that after a group of monkeys on one island learned to make something new,
monkeys on other islands begin to have the same behavior.
If we consider the behavior of a species as a hologram, then any change in behavior hologram of
a member of that species will behavioral changes throughout the hologram of that
species.Doctors George De La Warr and Ruth Drawn managed by an apparatus and using hair
as an antenna to obtain images of organs affected by disease as malignant brain tumors, liver
cyst, even a child of three months.
Since 80% of diagnostic errors made by doctors and patients are given drugs in this way the
patient's condition worsens. Romanian researcher Mircea Brasoveanu created a device that
measures the human energy field, food, medicines, etc..
The device can using a hair to establish disease of someone suffering but Also predispositions to
disease. At the same time may determine if a drug leads to the restoration and strengthening of
individual energy field or destroy it.
Even if a crime perpetrator can be established (a number of people between the killer and to be)
made measurements on the hair of the participants. Events are recorded in a being or an object
in the form of a chain of holograms (holographic film). Because they are registered as
holograms an object as small. He keeps the film all the events has been involved. Cronovizor
device was constructed which capture and play images from the past as a movie.
Some people by touch or look can. See events that attended a person or object.
If we consider the universe a hologram then the human eye are those
recorded. on. brain.External holograms. The human body is a holographic structure evidenced by
the fact that each cell contains all the information body. A cell can create another body identical to
that of which belonged. Brain and mind implicitly manage the organization of holographic
structure of the organism as a whole but also of smaller holograms represented by cells. When
the brain signals not corrector they do not reach cells when disease occurs more precise
disruption that holograms. Lack of coordination by the brain of cells is best seen in the case of
tumors. Positive thoughts bring brightness and power main hologram representing body and
consequently all the smaller holograms that component (cells). The time which is given a
negative thought. it acts as an interference in brain signals who go to cells. Negative thinking is a
hologram that weakens, edit and destroy small holograms (cells) and hence large hologram
(body). Thoughts as holograms themselves as positive or negative change in the human body
and our environment.
When a person has suffered an injury in a previous life from the example of a spear in its current
aura you will see that spear. The hologram that person's aura Javelin hologram was added
creating the physical discomfort. A clairvoyant therapist out that spear from aura of the person
solving such problems generated. because of it. . Get Out Javelin hologram leaving hologram that
person clean.
Any treatment is to restore the structure and brightness of the hologram is the physical and subtle
The disease is disaggregating holographic structure. Of the body.
A method of healing is to overlap. over the physical body. Another hologram representing a new
mold for the body.
Here imagination plays an important role. Such methods are used by Native American shamans.
Don Jose Matsuwa is 109 years old Spook Huichol Indians a tribe of the Sierra Madre mountains
of Mexico numbering about 15,000 members. He said: 'When I start the ritual of healing, he
claims. on Nierika to open. (This is the crossing point of the spiritual world in a tunnel-like
material.) I see a circle and I call Kauyumarit brother deer. Ask him to come help us. . Then, using
songs and feathers do deer spirit to enter in sick person's body. I imagine as deer body image
becomes human. If the two images overlap, everything is fine. Sometimes after an hour or
two must check whether the image is superimposed as well. Sometimes the images overlap very
quickly, but sometimes it takes time. "
One day old healer had a vision in which appear a person who was lost. Huichol Indian territory
for five days without food and water and being on the brink of death. It was a 18 year old
American named Brant who left New York in order to learn the secrets Native American
shamanism. . Men sent by Don Jose'l found and brought before it who adopted him as 'grandson'
it. He stayed 12 years with Don Jose 'who taught the mysteries of shamanism after that was sent
to lead knowledge among the whites. In the words of Brant see holographic essence of being
human. , When taking in hand feathers, then I feel transformed into an eagle. Master air I use
bunch of feathers as one fan to invoke the spirit of wind. At that time become able to see the flow
of vital energy of man. Finally, take feathers as some brushes and paint, repair holes where the
flow is interrupted. If shaman is looking at this time the sick he can see through the glass as his
body is transparent. Where the body is not transparent, is disease. "Then invoke the spirit of the
deer to run into that person. Then the shaman place near the mouth of sick and absorbs "disease
of the patient. After a spat in a pot. There is also opportunity. the shaman to become ill while one
person heals. Reality around us is a hologram. Is changed continuously. it fits as holograms of
our thoughts.but affected by holograms thoughts of others.
When someone wants something then holographic reality around that person will be
created.respectively hologram thought expressed by that person. Therefore thought a person
who wishes to obtain something must be formed from a clear, bright object or situation that would
be made.
The person who thinks negatively and is afraid of something not happening will be put in that
situation since through his thoughts reality around him was molded by them. He created a
hologram (thought) and the universe recreated in the physical plane that hologram. Thought once
released becomes structure of the universe structure. Thought becomes reality when it will be as
bright as the rest of the structure of the universe. At that time the thought will become what we
call event positive or negative depending on the structure that thought and our interests at that
Life is a film consisting of a series of events whether it is a being or about the universe as a
whole. Life is a series of events which are actually translation into reality thoughts issued by that
person but also of thoughts issued by others and related to that person.
Thought will become an event in a person's life when this thought will have enough clarity and
brilliance that can be translated into the physical. With the advent of a new hologram when it will
become bright enough to be a reality once reality hologram molded by it will be part
of holographic structure of the universe and can easily be recreated in reality whenever you
want although at first implementation and translation into reality hologram was
created very difficult.
While already created a hologram may be modified slightly as a hologram structure creating new
slightly different from the first thus requiring less time to obtain a new hologram to create a new
hologram from the beginning. This is true in all the creation of a substance from to the events of
human life and the universe. In work Crystals and Crystal Growing signed by Holden and
Singer is this following statement, "about 10 years ago firm produced one of its factories simple
crystals culture. tartrate diaminc ethylene reared in tanks and water solution. From the
factory crystals were transported to another where they were cut and polished to industrial. One
year after the factory opened. Crystals of culture tanks began to increase at a spectacular rate,
crystals different structure adhered to them creating a new structure which is developing rapidly.
Problem occurred and give the second factory crystal cut and polished and presented same
superficial symptoms. Material to be obtained was tartrate diamine of ethylene anhydrous and
unwanted material has to be found monohydrate same substance. During the first three years of
research and testing as during manufacturing, not found any structure formation of the
monohydrate. After these four years but the monohydrate spread generalizing
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