marți, 1 martie 2011

GEROVITAL H3- The miraculous medicine against cancer

Procaine, also known as novocaine, was initially used as an anaesthetic.
Procaine is created in laboratory by the union between two vitamins called
PABA (para-aminobenzoic acid) and DEAE (Diethylaminoethyl).
Doctor D. Chapman declared in “Biochemical Journal” that when procaine
gets inside the body, it splits into PABA, DEAE and DMAE (Dimethylaminoethanol).
Doctor Hans Kugler discovered that procaine splits into PABA and
DEAE and DMAE favour the production of fosfatidilcolina – a component of
the cellular membrane. At the same time, they increase tissue circulation.
PABA is a B vitamin that aids the growth of blood cells and metabolic
proteins. It also helps the functioning and keeping in good conditions of the glands,
intestines and hair.
Doctor Earl Mindell stated: “in experiences made on animals PABA reacted
with pantothenic acid in order to give back grey hair its natural colour.”
Dr. R. Hochschild stated: “due to its essential role in the biosynthesis of the
membranes, results show that the aging process can be influenced by maintaining the
DMAE concentration.”
DMAE has the ability of crossing the blood and brain barriers and in experiments
on animals it has increased the animals’ life span with 30-40%.
Dr. Kugel stated: “in my own studies regarding longevity that I carried on mice
predisposed to cancer at the Roosevelt University from Chicago, I used procaine as one
of the life prolonging factors.
There is an enzyme in the body called monoamine oxidases (MAO). The quantity
of MAO is constant until the age of 35; after this age it begins to increase as the person
grows older.
People with a high quantity of MAO suffer from diseases such as arthritis,
arteriosclerosis, nephritis, depression, senility, etc.
Dr. Ana Aslan, a cardiologist and chief medical doctor at the Romanian Institute
of Gerontology has created a product which contains procaine and named it GEROVITAL
In an experiment conducted on 920 old rats by Dr. Ana Aslan, their MAO
quantity was reduced by 85% in two weeks. It was ascertained that their life was
prolonged by 22%.
Dr. Josepk Hrachovac at the University of California has also noticed that the
Gerovital H3 formula created by Dr. Ana Aslan reduces the MAO level in the body by
Dr. David Mac Farbene confirmed Dr. Hrachovac’s results.
Dr. Ana Aslan tested the medicine on a person who suffered from severe arthritis
and was unable to move his leg. After one day of treatment, he started moving his leg and
the next day he was cured.
In 2004, when I tried to buy Gerovital H3 from a pharmacy, I found out that this
medicine had disappeared. Its production had been stopped for a year and when it came
back on the market again, the following were written on the prospectus: “Although the
carcinogen effect of the procaine chlorhydrate has not been demonstrated, the product is
not recommended for patients who suffer from cancer because the stimulation effect on
the mitotic potential of the neoplastic cells is not excluded.” In other words, a medicine
concern indulges in making assumptions, putting the patients’ lives at risk. What’s worse
is that they sell a series of medicine called Gerovital that don’t contain procaine, thus
misleading the patients.
Fritz German doctor Wiederman exposed journalists case of the over 600 patients treated with
Gerovital H3 them by that date.
The patient suffered from depression and arthritis because who could not work. Following
Gerovital H3. she could return to work after a week. In three weeks swollen hands returned to
normal and pain disappeared. After five months. hair regained its color and began to grow where
it had fallen. At the age of 68 years women have increased wisdom tooth. Dr. Albert Semord
member of the American Medical Association Medical Society of New York County the American
Geriatrics Society and the New York Academy of Sciences said on the effect it had on his
Gerovital H3 and its patients.
"Every month is more amazed at the results not only physical but also mental and emotional.All
my patients feel like me. I do not show the age of 78 fish, hunt, ski, make love twice a week. I feel
very good. " Unlike other medicines Gerovital H3 has no side effects.
Paul Luthor doctor at the Municipal Hospital Offenbach am Main Germany found that
administration of procaine stimulate production.of the Dimethylaminoethanol in the body ,
substance that improves memory and sleep, thinking, hearing and health in general.
Dr. Ana Aslan found that people who have undergone treatment with Gerovital H3 had a lifespan
29% longer than average life expectancy.
Diseases were cured after treatment with Gerovital H3: arteriosclerosis, osteoporosis, arthritis,
nephritis, impotence, mental impairment, psoriasis, asthma, angina, ulcers, depression, hearing
loss. Even in patients with Parkinson's disease dyskinesia was removed after two weeks at 90%
of patients. Dr. R. Hochschild spoke. About Gerovital H3: "I do not stimulate not inhibit in
its many actions, but rather to normalize and regularize.
Dr. Ana Aslan said: "If you're tense you relax, if you are apathetic refreshes.
A long line of personalities visited by Romania to be treated with Gerovital H3. Among the
personalities who used the treatment with Gerovital H3 include names like: Nikita Hroşcov
Charles de Gaulle, Cary Grant, Kirk Douglas, Aristotle Onassis, Marlene Dietrich, Elizabeth
Taylor, Imelda and Ferdinand Marcos, President. Mao etc.. Aslan dr.Ana
discovery brought. Romanian state during the communist period benefit of millions of
dollars. Romanian state has never rewarded financially dr.Ana Aslan. Dr. Ana Aslan instead
enjoyed a high international recognition which an exasperated wife Elena Ceausescu of
Romania's President at that time. Elena Ceausescu not support international attention on that. It
had. Dr.Ana Aslan. Elena Ceausescu exasperating that in meetings with other heads of state they
were interested in Dr.Ana Aslan and Gerovital H3 miracle drug. Elena Ceausescu ordered to be
taken against Dr. Ana Aslan. Hence a trial was staged and Dr. Ana Aslan was dragged through
the courts.
Despite the absolute power he had Elena Ceausescu, the Romanian State that has not allowed
even to think to prevent drug Gerovital H3.
After 1990 individuals who visited petty power were not satisfied with that plundered the
country destroyed all businesses after they disbanded and sold them as scrap metal overseas.
They thought that if all people were left without food to find a way to send the next world. Have
started to ban all medicines discovered by Romanian and manufactured in Romania from Pell
Amar, Cantastin and ending with Gerovital H3. (One year was denied. Now manufacture products
called Gerovital with. Gerovital H3 not in them).
Professor Dr. Ion Brad gave the following experiment: tumor tissues were grafted on the hind legs
of mice. One member was treated with novocaine and cancer has stalled. The other member was
treated with an exciting and powerful tumor grew rapidly.

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