marți, 1 martie 2011


Man can autosuggestion enabling to cure diseases only using his mind power.
Everyone has heard of the placebo effect. This is a way to fool a patient saying that is given a
miracle drug that will heal quickly.
I can explain how acting that substance in the body and the discovery epochal is. I give examples
of patients healed even giving the persons concerned.
So far so good. But a small problem arises. Pill that contain anything else but no miracle
substance. And because it was not invented yet (or has been banned).
Everything is a hoax. Or so it seems at first sight. Certainly that if the doctor is convincing the
effect is guaranteed.
Man is fallen morale due to illness and negative state of mind reflected on the body further
weakening it and leaving the place open the disease to develop.
Once the patient that there is a remedy for that disease the change of heart, is optimistic.
Given a positive provision brain takes control the body and will begin the attack the disease.
The general returned to the battlefield and defeat.
On the Discovery channel was presented. If a surgeon who work for arthritis patients. It was
decided at a time to see if the placebo effect works for operations.
Surgeon in the operating room the patient was taking. I fall asleep on him after it began what
ought to be operation.
Cut the skin and walk on your knees asking nurses utensils that he had to perform the
operation. Everything as a normal operation or so it seemed at first sight.
Clear is that Dr. not cut than superficial skin and then walk on that surface as operation should be
For the show to be perfect the room was placed a television the present a real operation.
Finally patients were told that the operation succeeded. The percentage of healed by this
method was the same operate as if the real.
The issue achieved in eight years away were presented and several people, operated "in this
way. If prior to surgery could not move at the time of interview were perfectly healthy the knee,
operated. "

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